As an artist I study and glean from some of the old masters of art such as Bouguereau, Vermeer, Picasso, Durer, and Cezanne... and how their works have been an inspiration and learning tool to imitate. There is a master, above all, who sets an example before us worth imitating daily.... his name is Jesus. John 13:15 was the inspiration behind this charcoal drawing I did titled
"Basin and Towel". The source was a photograph I took some time back for a dear friend as a tribute and celebration of his many years in ministry.
Jesus said... "For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you." (KJV)
"Basin and Towel"... 8"x10" Charcoal on Panel, 2003.
Jesus is the master artist and we are his masterpieces!
In Faith,